Upcoming Japanese horror film, "The Complex" which stars Atsuko Maeda has released a new trailer. The movie's updated YouTube embed trailer can be viewed at Director Hideo Nakata's official website.
The story revolves around Asuka (Maeda), a nursing student who lives in an apartment complex. Asuka hears strange and scratching noises while living there and an incident was rumored to have occurred in the place which has caused mysterious deaths 13 years ago. As she continues to stay at the haunted place, she then discovers an old man who previously resides there and died.
Actor Hiroki Narimiya also appears in the film playing the role of a handyman named Sasahara who knows other related stories about the incident and helps Asuka after she was confronted by the old man's ghost.
Toei will be releasing the film in Japan on May 18 and Nikkatsu will be in charge of its international distribution. Last January 27, 2013, “The Complex” has already premiered at the International Film Festival Rotterdam.
You can also check out the film's new trailer below
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